Sunday 23 June 2013

What is your goal?

My task in personal branding inspired me for this post while I was watching the bonfire of Sankt Hans through my window today. I had to describe my unique brand in 1-2 sentences reflecting all my skills, experiences, values, interests, motivations and strengths.  It looks like an innocent exercise. I have done it so many times while applying for a new job, but this time I have decided to apply for my dream job and not another intermediate stop on my way to the Promised Land.  I had to look into the most remote corners of my personality that usually remain closed for the inspection and definitely not exhibited for an open judgment.
As every sinner, I have googled for an inspiration to see, how to stuff all your life into two sentences effectively and impressively. I found millions of advices, how to make your elevator pitch depending on the situation. All good examples have not made my task easier. These two sentences about my unique brand transformed into the whole journey and revaluation of my motivations, dreams and ambitions. First of all, I had to give a name to my ambition. And it is big. In fact one of the executive directors in my company named it for me at one reception I happened to attend. The goal which requires a lot of professional knowledge, competence and excellent political skills. Would a perfect elevator pitch help me on this way?

I doubt.  
If you are a graduate and have to start your career, it is a good idea to have a couple of lines drawing attention to your CV. This way you start training your presentation skills and fight for your spot among the most powerful ones.  If you are already in the middle management, the rumors will do the introduction before you knock the door for your next position. If you are lucky to climb higher, the network will share the information faster than you expect. Usually you might expect the invitation for a certain position.

Do we really need an elevator pitch while mingling? I met many people that are quite confused or get into a long explanation about what they are doing. But on the other hand, I can “smell” a polished, but dry introduction line from a distance.  After hearing it 1000 times in different shapes and length, the result equals the exhaustion from google search. The genuine intelligence, charming attitude, ease and elegance of speech comes with years of experience and hard work on improving these skills. The best paid consultant can create or improve your image, but he will not change your personality. Not everyone becomes a leader. You can be a perfect manager, but you have to be honest with yourself in measuring your talents and dedication. Magazines love the success stories about 28 years old CEOs. Should you give up, if you are not one of them? Are your merits smaller, because it took longer for you to get, what you wanted? I do not think so. The experience has no confirmed official measurements. The moment you decide to change something in your life this will be your turning point. Jeffrey Pfeffer wrote: “Don’t complain about how life isn’t fair, or that your organizational culture isn’t healthy, or that your boss is a jerk. You have both responsibility and the potential to change your situation, either in your present job or in some new place”. So what is your big and audacious goal? I bet that will say more about you  and your personality than any elevator pitch will do.

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