Friday 28 June 2013

Elevate me…

Whenever we start a new project, we feel excited and willing to learn and contribute as much as we can. I was not an exception, when I have got selected for the Online Networking Award, as despite my busy everyday routine at work and MBA studies I have noticed that social media is getting more importance and I wanted to find new tricks, how to use them to my advantage.

The first part of Online Networking Award mainly focused on learning about personal strength and weaknesses.  Carl Jung’s test on my personality type has just confirmed my suspicion that I hate inefficiency and therefore every team work for me is a school of patience. I have my own pace and it is fast as well as my goals are ambitious. When somebody says, that something is impossible, my answer would be, whether they are 100% positive. I believe that everything depends on our will and how bad we want to achieve our goal. This attitude is reflected in my blog title: “Will is everything. Will to act”.

The seminar on personal branding in June has brought a little note of disappointment  to my exciting journey. The guest lecturer seemed to use the standard presentation which was an average summary of well know rules circulating in the corporate world. I missed the challenge and depth. But I found it myself. TED is giving plenty of material to think and sometimes it is controversial. Yes, we agree that social media is important, but we have to be aware, how technological devices change our life and Sherry Turkle’s presentation could be a perfect example for  brainstorming:

The task on an elevator pitch is a good wake up call, if you had go out and sell yourself. It is not easy to define all your competence and knowledge in one or two sentences, which would be good enough to make the other person curious to find out more about your personality and skills. However at this stage I almost appreciate my age and experience and I am quite happy about the fact that I do need to find my first job or start my career. But it might happen that leaving Scandinavia for bigger challenges in other countries, I might have to use my “sale” skills again.

How I can use to my advantage the knowledge acquired in June on Online Networking Award? I can more distinctively see which personality type are my colleagues and try to make teams that would be more efficient to work together along with the other principles of teamworking that I have learned during my MBA studies. And next time when I meet my mentees (future graduates from universities in Scandinavia), I will encourage them to be more active and do not rely only on black and white printed CV. The competition is tough and they have to be ready to fight for their spot. 

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