Friday 21 June 2013


Maybe it is the ugliest graffiti I have seen in my life, but I liked this manifesto. Vilnius is a city which still deserves an epithet of a "jungle" from many of my foreign friends and colleagues, although they have not been there. Why we have this image? Should we blame them, that after 20 years of changes this country has undergone, somebody in the Western side has not learnt the history properly or should we blame ourselves, as all we do we complain about the Russian occupation? It looks that the elder generation has this grudge you feel after a broken relationship or divorce. Long and painful disappointment becomes a part of the existence of the whole nation. But it is worse when it becomes a business card of the whole country. And then we wonder…Why we have so much envy, if somebody succeeds? Why there is so much anger and impatience? Why I miss a relaxed smile on the Lithuanian streets? I believe the answer is to LET IT GO. Like in any broken relationship, Lithuania needs to open a new page. We do not have natural resources, but we have a huge amount of human resources of qualified and hard working people. And I am sure that they are creative! Last week the universities had graduation ceremonies. I have been myself twice graduated from the oldest Lithuanian University, Vilnius University, and it is always nice to see the younger generation following the same traditions. These days the streets are full of happy faces and flowers. We were sitting with my friend at the restaurant and watching graduates and their parents walking down the street. We said: "We wish you that you do not stop here. Dream large and go for it. It should not be your last diploma. Work on your qualifications constantly". Life is about being lively and responding to changes. Bad and good, as you can not make a cherry picking.

So who we are? My vision is that one day Lithuania will become a small country of proud people. People who are talented, open and knowing what they value in their lives. After so many years spent abroad I believe I am qualified to say that there is no miracle in the Western societies. They are not special at all. In fact they need us, as we can help them to get out of their comfort zone. The "artist" (God forgive me calling him like that :) was right. Vilnius is full of space! For new ideas, new businesses, better lifestyle and thousands of projects to be done. And by the way, it is not a jungle :) It is a very beautiful, green, cosy and fantastic city. It is our home regardless where we are. So let us be proud and welcome any person willing to learn about our country.

1 comment:

  1. Only young and well educated people can open a new page for Lithuania. Young people should inspire older generation and show that there are other more sophisticated ways to handle our issues. We should get rid of remains of old system like corruption, jealousy, selfishness and we have to learn to support each other.

    Love being in Vilnius in the middle of June, the city is full of graduates, it creates a great atmosphere! Hope you enjoyed your vacation :)
