Thursday 22 August 2013

The finish is just the beginning

Evaluation is closely related to judgment. And the first part of the Award proved that I am judgmental. The task on evaluating your peer’s blog is tough. It tests the limits of your honesty. But having a peek into a world of a HR person made me realize, how important it is for a manager to know his/hers HR manager. Usually it is not considered a key position and if an HR manager becomes a part of an Executive Committee.  In fact he/she would be the least influential person. In my case, I set an utmost importance that the right people are hired with passion and attitude enabling to move the company further. The experience and views of HR manager are important, as he or she would become an obstacle in hiring the right resources. The blog I had to evaluate would have failed, if I had to hire this person as my HR manager. I lacked passion and dedication. I missed responsibility and experience. It just proves that the image we create is crucial, although the image might be not reflecting the true “I”. We should learn to select the right disguise or be genuine in our strengths. The speech of Pamela Mayer is one of good examples, what to avoid in creating your image:

The image or power of deception, which I have mentioned in my video presentation is powerful. The task on a video presentation was challenging and gave me my faith back in the Award. Finally I found good advices and practical challenge. I have done many presentations in front of the audience. I love speaking to people and watching their reaction. Sometimes I will put my readymade presentation aside and use a board and a chalk. However speaking into a camera is a different experience. Every split second matters and rehearsals become crucial. My friends on Facebook told me that they loved it, but they had no idea how many hours you need to make a 5 minutes presentation looking more or less effortless. However I would find still something to be improved after every recorded presentation I did. I loved to be pushed out of my comfort zone and trying new media tools. I will definitely work it to perfection and train these skills as well as trying new options of presentations that I had no time to apply in practice.

My first attempt of online CV was a presentation of my “story”. It was a colorful version of myself, but still in a conservative blue and reserved style, as I am working in a very conservative sector, who lately is blamed for creating the financial crisis. As bankers deal with numbers, the target is to stay moderate in artistic expressions, especially in higher ranks. You are supposed to be reliable and trustworthy, as we want to get the customers back and make them believe in our competences. However it does not apply to my mentees. They can take advantage in being creative and test the boundaries. They have to conquer the world, while I have to continue my path. 

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