Wednesday 28 August 2013

Online Resume

The employers are still requesting the black and white CVs and standard cover letters, however the social media gives us new opportunities and possibilities to "sell" our skills. We can make video presentations or just a simple power point presentation, which will tell your story in a different way. If you want to stand out, you have to use your imagination and...time. 

Time is crucial in this process. You need carefully to think, how do you want to target your audience. Personally I have realized that Google+ does not give me all necessary tools to edit the information I would like to share the way I want. In my case, it would be optimal to have my own webpage that would allow me to choose my own layouts, graphics, pictures, videos as well as place my blog and unite all other information available on me online (Linkedin, Facebook and etc.). It will take lots of hours of long editing and reflection. The information that I would like start using openly should be professional and it might be a start for my own business, when I am done with the big corporate world. My own webpage can be also a good platform for mentoring activities I do currently. The last three months was a good journey and it is time for me to start using this knowledge. 

My first trial in creating a personal webpage is dedicated to the end of the Networking and Employability Award and the beginning of exploring new ways of promoting myself:

Thank you for sharing your experience and inspiring for new approaches and ideas!

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